
Big Changes In Life

So summer break is ending and I’m going to high school, I should be stressing right now but I’m actually kinda excited. Why? I’m pretty certain that I will be much happier there than where I went to middle school, I had some of the worst possible classmates one could imagine. Imagine half of your class being racist, xenophobic, homophobic, extremely toxic and the other half being just, weird. Nothing against the second half, I just cannot imagine being friends with them. My main reason for picking the school I chose was to make sure I will never ever meet any of my previous classmates there, start a new life. And I think I succeeded at that. I live in the Šumava national park in Czechia and I’m going to Brno, which is about 7 hours away by train. I’ve never really been there, only driving by a few times but I at least have a few online friends from there. I’m practically going in blind. I don’t have a list of the stuff I need, I don’t know my timetable, I don’t even know who is going to be my roommate for 3 years. I just hope that this is the change I needed, new life, new friends, new identity which I will hopefully not ruin like before.

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